Optimizing the Utilization of GoFood System Application as an Income Enhancement at Rungkut Surabaya MSME


  • Invony Dwi Aprilisanda UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Devy Sylvia Puspitasaria UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Luqita Romaisyah UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur




GoFood application; income; MSME


In the digital age, technological developments are moving very fast and changing
the lifestyle of humans in general. The technological system in the Digital Age
attracted the interests of culinary MSME entrepreneurs in Indonesia to do business
with an online sales system. One of the online food delivery service applications in
Indonesia is GoFood, this study aims to find out how SMEs in Surabaya as
GoFood partners can increase their income by optimizing the use of the GoFood
application. This study uses a qualitative method. Data analysis in this research is
descriptive qualitative. Criteria for selecting informants using purposive sampling
techniques. The interview results state that the GoFood application tends to be
easy to use, but some partners regretted the lack of training which resulted in sales
not meeting expectations. Quality, Quality, Promo Price, and timeliness of food
processing to food delivery to consumers is a strategy for GoFood merchant
partners to optimize their sales turnover.


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How to Cite

Invony Dwi Aprilisanda, Devy Sylvia Puspitasaria, & Luqita Romaisyah. (2020). Optimizing the Utilization of GoFood System Application as an Income Enhancement at Rungkut Surabaya MSME. Journal of Economics, Business, and Government Challenges, 3(01), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.33005/ebgc.v3i1.88